Hello, this is the fourth Dev Diary of 'Discourse Under Duress', A comic inspired by and occuring in Eipril's universe. It's also inspired by a dream where I came across a memoir of a furry who fought in a war, got nuked, survived, went to college and got laid, that's as far as I was willing to read.
I've seen and done weirder things in my dreams and turned them into Youtube videos, so this is nothing, I also want to declare that I am not affiliated with Eipril, so perhaps take this comic as a tribute to these kind of artists in the only way I know how, by barging in screaming with a gun, knocking a vase over and blowing up a police station.
Hello! I don't think anyone as properly seen these dev diaries, it's like being a cat ready to pounce on it's prey, it's exciting, it's also very lonely. Like playing on a Minecraft server, you're building a fort on a stone beach whilst everyone else griefs and trades and talks with each other, and you just stand there on the rocks as you watch the game chat go by, no one acknowledging your existence...
Anyways, crippling desire for companionship and camaraderie aside, I made some more progress on the pages, and a few script rewrites here and there.
Anyways, now that's out of the way, I want to dedicate the rest of this dev diary to the comic itself, here's the progress made + any commentaries I have, the third page got started, but I have a choice that needs to be made, a or b?
^(a variant, black and white.)
v(b variant, storybook.)
- Panel 1: added lines, text, etc.